Monday, September 30, 2019

Beware the Cat Essay

In Beware the Cat, William Baldwin’s immediate target is Catholicism. This book is one of many anti-catholic satires that appeared during Edward VI’s Protestant reign. In this story Baldwin goes beyond putting down the practices of the Church of Rome and exposes some of its foundational problems. He portrays, satirically, how knowledge is obtained and passed down in the church. At this time the culture was going through a transition from a largely oral and visual way of communicating to one based on text. The whole idea of Protestantism is about having a personal relationship with God and not relying on someone else to read the Bible for you. But what about those that didn’t have access to a Bible? Again, people were left to rely on the church and the traditions that were being passed down. The trouble with traditions is that after so long, one can’t be certain of their origin. We see a debate being set up in the story about where true authoritative knowledge comes from. From the Protestant view, the trouble with that is these traditions and stories can and do mislead the devout christian. In the beginning of the book in The Argument, Streamer disagrees with the author on what makes up knowledge; whether it is gained by experiences or authors (the reading of textual evidence). In Streamer’s Oration we see that he gets off track a number of times as he tries to begin his story. We find him wandering from gate to gate, talking about about how the gates got their names. It is evident that he doesn’t quite know where or how to begin his story. The use of the word gate is exceptional because Streamer is truly searching for an entrance for his story line. Because he can’t seem to find it, it foreshadows the fact that Streamer’s knowledge, as we come to find out, really has no origin of its own. Baldwin uses another play on words with the word Criplegate and cripple, foreshadowing again that Streamer’s kind of reasoning has crippled him. We read that Streamer’s experience with cats is based on other people’s stories about cats, and that their stories are based on yet another series of stories. Here Baldwin is demonstrating how Catholicism has passed down tories and oral traditions over time and we never really know the origin of these stories and traditions well enough to prove them. It also shows the reader that these kinds of stories simply lead to more stories and it ends up being uncontrolled and unmonitored. He then questions if having this experience based knowledge is truly having knowledge at all. Baldwin is building the story up in a rational way, for example, suggesting that the cats use human transportation and by suggesting that they revenge the death of Grimalkin, forming a close knit society, again alluding to the Catholic church. What we read about in Part I sort of comes to life in Part III as the animals take over the narration of the story. They begin to tell tales of their vast experiences with humans. They show us a world where humans are an easy mark (where the wife believes that the cat is old woman’s daughter) and preposterous (where the sound of Mouse-Slayer’s feet brings panic to a town). In Part I we read about preying animals and Part III is then dealing with preying humans. The old woman takes advantage of the young men, then they take advantage of others in order to keep paying the old woman, in order to spend time with the girls. This vicious cycle is representative of the Roman Church because she (the old woman), like the church, prospers from deceiving people and enticing them to do harmful acts in order to get her money. She is also making the young men psychologically dependent on her in a way, again, not unlike the church. In this work we’re able to see what happens in a religion and in a culture where written text plays a minor role and also when oral communication (traditions, passed down stories) is left uncontrolled by any textual authority.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Advertising and Potential Buyers Essay

Advertising is a favorable representation of product to make consumer, customers and general public aware of product. It let the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands and their goods and services. Before going on the importance of advertising, we would have an introduction to advertising first. Advertising can be define as a paid form of non – professional but encouraging, complimenting and positively favorable presentation of goods and services to a group of people by an identified sponsor. It does not include distribution of free samples or offering bonuses, these are sales promotion. In simplest words advertising is introduction, to consumers and general public, of services and goods. See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay Many people think that advertising a product means to sell it. But real aim of advertising is to make general public and potential buyers aware of goods, products and services available under a brand. Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to products, ideas, or services . Advertisers consider advertising a way to communicate with a particular audience. These advertisements are most common when an advertiser introduces a new product or brand in a category that consumers are already aware of. For example, when a company introduces a new flavor of potato chips. Consumers are familiar with snack foods and chips, but perhaps not this specific brand or flavor. The immediate purpose is awareness. Ideally, the consumer is then interested and will engage in trying the product, leading to purchase, and loyalty to the new product or brand. There are even some appeals which are used in advertisement. Appeals play a very important role in an advertisement. Appeals play a role of bringing life in a particular add. There are some appeals like emotional appeal, youth appeal, sex appeal, adventure appeal etc. these appeals have different features of their own. These appeals are used in order to attract customers and to force them to buy the product. In a successful business, advertising play an essential and important role. Though advertising does not mean selling of products and services but it helps in increasing your sells. Advertising create awareness in people. When general public be conscious to the products, services and goods under the brands and pursuit people towards brands and make them buying better brands. Advertising can be used to create brand awareness in general public and to make business more popular within the circle of potential buyers. Advertising, in a straight line, increases profit of the companies by escalating its revenue. The expenditure made on advertisement can turn as good boost in earnings. This mode of advertising advertises brands via newspaper, pamphlets, brochures, magazines, journals and books. By this mean of advertising brands can let know people, who are connected directly and indirectly connected with non – electronic media, about their supplies. It also includes banners and posters. Non – electronic media is in reach about every local. Advertising on print media is comparatively cheaper than advertising on television. Advertising on internet is getting more popular with time. It is the most ample platform available till date, for advertising and sharing news and creating awareness. You can get your advertising reached to every corner of the wo rld.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Physical Therapist and the Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Physical Therapist and the Law - Essay Example [internet]). As a matter of fact, it is good for injury prevention in youth sports. (Hareyan, Armen. Injury Prevention. Physical Therapists Offer Tips For Injury Prevention April 10, 2007. EmaxHealth. [internet] Accessed February 11, 2010. Available at: ). In the State of Florida, the practice is covered by Chapter 486 of the Florida Statutes (2009) under Title XXXII of the law. (CHAPTER 486. PHYSICAL THERAPY PRACTICE. Title XXXII For one to be qualified as a licensed massage therapist, there are certain requirements to comply with. As basic requisites, the applicant must be at least eighteen years of age and must be of good moral character. For her or his professional qualifications or credentials, the applicant must meet any one of the three given circumstances which are (a) the applicant is a graduate from a physical therapy school duly accredited under the tutelage of the Commission of Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation or the United States Department of Education upon her or his graduation, and has passed to the satisfaction of the Board of Physical Therapy Practice the American Registry Examination before 1971 or a national examination approved by the said Board of Physical Therapy Practice, or (b) the applicant has obtained a diploma from a physical therapy program in a foreign country or has educational qualifications equivalent to what is mandated of physical therapists in the United States d uly acknowledged by the proper agency accredited by the Board of Physical Therapy Practice, (Section 486.031 Physical therapist; licensing requirements. Ibid) or (c) the Board of Physical Therapy Practice has caused the issuance of a license to the applicant through the Department of Health without having taken any examination when she or he (the applicant) presents proof to the satisfaction of the Board of Physical Therapy Practice that she or he has passed the American Registry Examination before 1971 or an examination in physical therapy before a similar legally authorized examining board of another state, the District of Columbia, a territory or a foreign country where the standards for licensing physical therapy professionals are considered by the Board of Physical Therapy Practice as of the same level or category as those in Florida. (Section 486.081 Physical therapist; issuance of license without examination to person passing examination of another authorized examining board; fee. Ibid). In this third criterion, the professional may design or denominate herself or himself as a physical therapist or a physiotherapist or a P.T. She or he shall also pay to the Department of Health the appropriate fee not exceeding one hundred seventy five dollars as determined by the Board of Physical Therapy Practice. Physical therapy practice and police power Physical therapy being a career or a calling in Florida as in all other states,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Dilemma Analysis #2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dilemma Analysis #2 - Coursework Example The ethical issue to be addressed, therefore, is non-maleficence and beneficence. Jared decides that to make things right, he and the company must start clean-up exercise in the river and notify the authorities. This, from his perspective, will help in making the company better positioned to move ahead with a clear conscious and also be part of the corporate social responsibility. The decision is also based on the fact that reports have shown that the chemical has negative effects on the people’s health, although in large amounts, and also on the fish which the people consume. However, the dilemma comes in when the authority has been unaware for a long time and the fact that clean up exercise may not be successful since other factories continue to dispose of their chemicals into the same river. The exercise is also repulsively expensive for the company. In addition, notifying authorities will attract hefty fines to the company since it is a foreign entity. Doing the right thing does not have to involve the authority or expose the company to fines and unnecessary expenses. On realizing the existing problems, the management can decide to start engaging on doing the right thing from that point onwards. This implies that the company should adopt the right processes for chemical disposal and engage more on social responsibility to enhance their reputation. Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy which is based on analyzing the consequences. This means that first, the managers have to analyze the situation, the existing problems and seek for the alternative actions regarding the situation. In this case, we compare working to do what is right from that day on with exercising the clean-up. The second step involves estimating the costs of the actions and the benefits and later selecting the best alternative. Clean-up and reporting are costly and dangerous to the reputation of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Funding Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Funding Education - Essay Example Funding Education The university has principled values that is inculcated in all the students. Honesty, efficiency, exceptionality, and modesty are inscribed in students during the course of study. Every employer looks for an honest person. Now, being that the university is known for producing people of unquestionable integrity one would find it pleasurable and an honor to be part of this fraternity (British qualifications, 457). Employers also do not only want results, but they are impressed with exceptionality: a thing that the university inculcates in the course of study. The university teaches on how one can become innovative hence remarkable achievement in any field of endeavor. Queen Mary University is reach in diversity with an international outlook. This aspect of the university makes in a good ground for interaction and a place of multi-cultural experience. The university also has various exchange programs with many universities in other countries of the world. The university has such programs to help in the expansion of the worldview of its students. The grandaunts of this university are always diverse in opinion and they are often prepared to serve in any part of the world because of the nature of socialization in this great university. The university is not streamlined to the course work but it also gives the students the opportunity to interact widely and to experience the rest of the world.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Role of Cost Accounting in Business Planning, Control, and Essay

The Role of Cost Accounting in Business Planning, Control, and Decision Making - Essay Example Modern cost accounting is being termed as management accounting, since managers being the primary user of accounting information are increasingly using the data provided by the accounts, setting objectives and controlling the operations of the business. Today cost accounting is much more than an inventory cost tracking system. Cost accounting involves determining the costs of products and activities, but it does have a broader role; to furnish management with information used in planning and controlling activities, in improving quality and efficiency, and in formulating strategic policy. To be more specific, cost accounting can help management achieve the following: †¢ Formulating and implementing plans and budgets that motivate employees toward the achievement of company goals. †¢ Establishing cost tracking methods that allow control of operations, cost savings and improvement in quality. †¢ Controlling inventory cost, minimizing inventory investment, and determining the cost of each product or service. †¢ Pricing products and services in ways that are congruent with organizational goals. †¢ Making prudent decisions that impact both short-term and long-term revenues and expanses. Technological changes and management innovations are drastically changing the nature of costs. Many technologically advanced companies have lower inventory levels; use less labor and often experience increasing levels of fixed costs. These developments are interesting and exiting, but they are also challenging cost accounting systems to provide reliable, useful information, data that can be used to keep an organization efficient and most of all competitive in the global market. The cost and management accounting is responsible for generating financial information required by the firm for internal and external reporting. This involves responsibility for collecting, processing and reporting information that will help managers in their planning, controlling and other decision making activities (Hanson & Mowen, 2005). The detailed formulation of future actions to achieve a particular end in the management activity called planning. Planning therefore requires setting objectives and identi fying methods to achieve those objectives. An organization may have the objective of increasing its short term and long-term profitability by improving the overall quality of its products. By improving product quality, the organization should be able to reduce scrap and rework, decrease the number of customer complaints and the amount of warranty work, reduce the resources currently assigned to inspection and so on, thus increasing profitability. This is accomplished by working with suppliers to improve the quality of incoming raw materials, establishing quality control circles, and studying defects to ascertain their causes. So cost accounting plays major role in management planning and control of organization. Similarly cost accounting plays effective role in the decision making process in the organization as well. The process of choosing among competing alternatives is decision making. Decision can be improved if information about the alternative is gathered and made

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Knowledge Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Knowledge Management - Coursework Example AUTHORITY 9 4.4. ACCESSIBILITY 10 5. CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY 10 5.1. COMPARISON AND CONTRAST 10 5.2. RELATION TO THE MODULE 14 6.0. REFERENCE LIST 16 1. INTRODUCTION Organisations formulate strategies and processes for identifying intellectual assets which enhance the overall performance of the organisation. The objectives of the organisations are easily accomplished and overall performance, competitive advantage and continuous improvement of the organisation are enhanced through this practice (Zheng, Yang, & McLean, 2010). In this report an evaluation of three different articles related to knowledge management will be presented. A comparative analysis will be presented which will show the relative significance of knowledge management in an organisation. The three articles which will be subject of discussion in this report are 1. Developing a corporate knowledge management strategy - Paul Oluikpe (2012) 2. Local Social Knowledge Management: A case study of social learning and knowledg e sharing across organizational boundaries - Johanna Lahtinen (2013) 3. The interactive relationship of corporate culture and knowledge management: a review – Julia Mueller (2011) Understanding the relative significance and importance of knowledge management in an organisation is very important in this age where workforce is treated as an essential asset by the managers. A combined overview and major emphasis of discussions presented in the articles will conclude this report. 2. LOCAL SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: LAHTINEN(2013) 2.1. KEY POINTS Lahtinen has discussed a range of important aspects of social knowledge management. The main points of this article by Lahtinen are related to How communicating and interacting socially helps in improving knowledge. The importance of inter-organizational networks is important in improving the knowledge. The learning process which enables the individuals to interact socially and enhance their knowledge is referred to as social knowledge management. The emphasis has been built on signifying the importance of communication in the organisation. Social learning plays a significant role with regional networking of the employees working for the same organisation (p.13). This research paper discusses about the role of social learning in knowledge management. This is important for managing inter organisational networks is significantly important. As employees interact within the organization, it helps the employees in better understanding the knowledge practices adopted in the organisation, mixture of differing applicability practices and general confusions which are part of the knowledge practices (p. 4). The three forms of networking which take place within the organisation are elaborated. These include the operational, personal and strategic roles which take place in the organisation. For this assessment data from several different organisations were collected to develop a conclusion about the relative importance of Soc ial knowledge management. Social knowledge management enhances the individual learning capability as an individual learns by sharing information within the organization (Lahtinen, 2013). 2.2. VALUE TO KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PRACTITIONERS This topic is of great value to the practitioners of knowledge management. This is because it signifies which strategies the managers can use for initiating social learning and transferring knowledge within the organisation through interaction of the employees. Understanding the issue

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analysis of the Cartesian Proof for the Existence of God Essay

Analysis of the Cartesian Proof for the Existence of God - Essay Example Analysis of the Cartesian Proof for the Existence of God Rene Descartes’ philosophical enterprise is best understood within the context of the influential philosophical school of rationalism. To understand how Descartes came to offer a proof for God’s existence, it must be understood that his philosophical venture in the Meditations is in fact some sort of veiled theological treatise. In his letter to the Faculty of Theology of Paris, he writes: I have always been of the opinion that the two questions respecting God and the Soul were the chief of those that ought to be determined by help of Philosophy rather than Theology; for although to us, the faithful, it be sufficient to hold as maters of faith, that the human soul does not perish with the body, and that God exists, it yet assuredly seems impossible ever to persuade infidels of the reality of any religion, or almost even any moral virtue, unless, first of all, those two things be proved to them by natural reason. (Popkin 122). In trying to establish what ought to be considered as the reliable foundation of one’s beliefs, Descartes began his rational inquiry by doubting everything that can be doubted. It is only rational as per Descartes, to base all beliefs upon a foundation that cannot be doubted. Hence, he assumed that if he can arrive at that belief which can no longer be doubted, then he would have arrived at the only reliable foundation of knowledge. Material or physical foundations simply will not do, because they are not reliable.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Islam and Europe Essay Example for Free

Islam and Europe Essay In modern day Europe, people fail to see the many impacts Islam has had on one of the most powerful continents in the western world. To see these impacts, we have to go back in history, from about 1000 C.E. to 1750 C.E. The impacts made by the Islamic world during this time have shaped Europe to the power house it is now. Most of the political impact Islam made on Europe happened during the Crusades. The Crusades began in 1095 when Pope Urban II called for the nations in Europe in unite for one cause. Before Pope Urban’s calling, Europe was divided into civil wars, but he had called for a union. The Crusades were directed towards Muslims, concentrating on the city of Jerusalem. The Crusades brought power and recognition to the pope but as the Crusades became less successful, the pope lost this power and popularity. The Crusades also brought more power to the kings. Prior to the Crusades, the kings had little power because most of the land was owned by rich aristocrats who owned small armies. During battle, these aristocrats were killed without picking an heir. Because of the lack of an heir these aristocrats had, the land was given to the king, thus giving the kings more power. Trade brought to the Christian world by the Islamic world boosted Europe’s economy greatly. Before the Crusades, trade in Europe was almost nonexistent, causing a negative impact on its economy. The Crusades, however, created a large influx of Muslim goods and luxuries. Want for these goods became very apparent with the rich giving the merchants the idea to create trade with the Islamic world. Preceding the 12th century, much of the Islamic and European trade was one sided, Islam exporting to Europe. However, during the 12th century, the major Islamic trading hub, Andalusia, helped Europe expand its exportation. Also, Muslims introduced and banking and credit system into Europe. The cultural effect Islam had on Europe was very substantial considering the technological advancements made by the Islamic world at the time. Before 1400, the only schooling facilities in Europe were monasteries. The development of universities came to Europe when European scholars discovered  Muslim translation of long-lost Greek and Roman scholarship. Not only did Islam help establish schooling in Europe but it also gave new technology to the Europeans. For example in mathematics. Prior to the Islamic influence, Europeans used cumbersome roman numerals. After 1150, the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was introduced to Europe. Arabic nummerals, with an additional character for zero, gradually became standard, aiding in the development of math. They also made advancements in medicine. The European way to treat infectious disease was based on superstition. After the 1300’s, medicinal knowledge developed on medical schools based on the Arabic medical encyclopedia. These advances paved the way for modern practices. These impacts made in Europe by Islam also had an effect globally. Without the development of kings gaining more power, our government today would be completely different, as well as our social classes. This medieval trade to Europe from the Islamic world comes to today with the oil trade. The mathematical advancements made by Arabic Empires gave us our modern understanding of all types of math; same with medicine. These effects did not only impact Europe but the entire world, modern and historical.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tale of Two Cities Essay Example for Free

Tale of Two Cities Essay In the novel, â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†, Charles Dickens says that the era of the French Revolution was an era of paradox. He also says that the period was so far like the present period. This mean that our era isnt that different than the period of the French Revolution. This means that our era is also an era of paradox. The reasons why I believe that our era is also an era of paradox is that we have more, but are grateful less; we have more knowledge, but less judgment; and we have done larger things, but not better things. I believe that our era is also an era of paradox because we have more, but are grateful less. An example of this would be the larger houses we now have. Due to these larger houses, families are drifting apart. In the past, families of five or even seven children would all live in a three bedroom apartment. These families were as close as ever, they depended on each other. Now that everyone is moving into larger houses, these families are becoming more distant to one another. These larger houses may seem amazing because of how many bedrooms it has or how much space there is, but it is also breaking the families that live in it. Since there is more space, the siblings arent always in each others shadows anymore. The siblings also dont need to depend on each other as often because they are all in different parts of the house doing their own thing. Another example of this would be the expansion of infrastructure. We are building more highways and submissions which is giving others a bet ter, more comfortable way of living. However; because we are continuing to expect more, infrastructure is destroying what used to be. We are losing our natural resources and our farms from which our food comes from. In the past, we would be able to just walk down to the farm to pick up our groceries, now we have to drive to the grocery store however miles away to buy even a carton of milk. This is why I believe that our era is also an era of paradox. I believe that our era is also an era of paradox because we have more knowledge but less judgment. An example of this is the destruction due to technology. With technology constantly changing, there is no end to what we can do. Although this sounds amazing, we are forgetting that technology has caused many problems, from global warming to health problems like myopia and cancer. We are exposed to x-rays with TVs, computers, and other technology. Although many say technology makes looking up information and communicating with people a breeze, whatever you are doing on the computer, radiation is still emitted. Another example of this is the impact of technology on childre n. We live in a world of iPads, flat screen televisions, smart phones, GPS navigation systems, electric cars, and the Internet. Children now   are growing up in the fast-moving digital age. Now, toddlers can learn to count, learn to say the ABCs, learn to draw, learn their first words and recognize animal sounds, all on the iPad. At the touch of a screen, you can download all kinds of applications for your child. It is amazing, and a little scary. They are growing up learning to use a smart phone before they can even talk. The problem with this is that children have been introduced to many technological devices that is potentially pushing them into solitude. This is an alarming trend that has developed with the advent of the 21st century. Technology has taken over human lives. The younger generation nowadays would rather sit at home and chat with their friends over the Internet rather than going out and making new friends or playing with their existing friends. Whereas twenty or t hirty years ago, children use to past their time in the sandbox and put on puppet shows for their parents. This is why I believe that our era is also an era of paradox. I believe that our era is also an era of paradox because weve done larger things but not better things. For example, today, we enjoy a much safer, uncontaminated food supply, and a far more varied diet, than our parents and grandparents did. This has produced successively taller, sturdier, and healthier generations in this century. In addition, fortifying food with various nutrients, such as iodine added to salt and B vitamins added to flour, has prevented hundreds of thousands of cases of debilitating disease, and has done so in a manner that requires little or no effort from the people who benefit. However, while scientists discover how to modify our foods, we cant even figure out how to stop poverty. Its great that our nutrition has become safer to eat, but in some countries, people have no food at all. I believe that helping stop poverty and helping these poor countries receive even a loaf of bread is more important then spending months on how to figure out what chemicals to add to certain foods to make it more â€Å"safe†. Another example is how we have gone to the moon and back but yet, we cant even say hello to our new neighbor. Going to the moon is a great thing because it helped us discover so many things about our universe and has pursued scientific activities that address fundamental questions about the history of Earth, the solar system and the universe and about our place in them. However, if we are able to do all this, why cant we do something as simple as saying hello to our new neighbor. I believe that this is because we are too busy’ to make ourselves known to those who live nearest to us, or because others fear they will ‘have nothing in common’. Also, many of us treat our neighbors like ‘caretakers’ -calling on them only when they need something. There is not one thing about this that is okay. This is why I believe that our era is also an era of paradox. I believe that our era is also an era of paradox because we have more, but are grateful less; we have more knowledge, but less judgment; and we have done larger things, but not better things. As Charles Dickens s ays in his novel â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†, that the period was so far like the present period. This means that our era isn’t that different then the era of the french revolution. Even though it was many years ago, our era is also an era of paradox. We as humans are still doing things we believe is helping our society but is also destroying it at the same time. Therefore, no matter the era, our periods stay the same, more or less. Saint Francis Xavier C.H.S Charles Dickens novel â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities† Essay- How is our era also an era of paradox? Submitted to: Mr. Hamilton Submitted by: Christina Moskovic Date Due: September 9th, 2013