Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Sir Thomas More Essay - 861 Words

Thomas More was born in Milk Street, London on February 7, 1478, son Sir John More, a prominent judge. He was educated at St Anthonys School in London. As a youth he served as a page in the household of Archbishop Morton, who predecited he would be a quot;marvellous man.quot;1. More went on to study at Oxford under Thomas Linacre and William Grocyn. During this time, he wrote comedies and studied Greek and Latin literature. One of his first works was an English translation of a Latin biography of the Italian humanist Pico della Mirandola. It was printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1510. Around 1494 More returned to London to study law, was admitted to Lincolns Inn in 1496, and became a barrister in 1501. Yet More did not automatically†¦show more content†¦On Erasmus third visit, in 1509, he wrote Encomium Moriae, or Praise of Folly, (1509), dedicating it to More. One of Mores first acts in Parliament had been to urge a decrease in a proposed appropriation for King Henry VII. In revenge, the king had imprisoned Mores father and not released him until a fine was paid and More himself had withdrawn from public life. After the death of the king in 1509, More became active once more. In 1510, he was appointed one of the two undersheriffs of London. In this capacity, he gained a reputation for being impartial, and a patron to the poor. In 1511, Mores first wife died in childbirth. More was soon married again, to Dame Alice. During the next decade, More attracted the attention of King Henry VIII. In 1515 he accompanied a delegation to Flanders to help clear disputes about the wool trade. Utopia opens with a reference to this very delegation. More was also instrumental in quelling a 1517 London uprising against foreigners, portrayed in the play Sir Thomas More, possibly by Shakespeare. More accompanied the King and court to the Field of the Cloth of Gold. In 1518 he became a member of the Privy Council, and was knighted in 1521. More helped Henry VIII in writing his Defence of the Seven Sacraments, a repudiation of Luther, and wrote an answer to Luthers reply under a pseudonym. More had garnered Henrys favor, and was made Speaker of the House of Commons in 1523 and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in 1525. AsShow MoreRelatedSir Thomas More : Who Is Sir Thomas More1209 Words   |  5 PagesWho is Sir Thomas More? Thomas More is known for his 1516 book Utopia and for his untimely death in 1535, after refusing to acknowledge King Henry VIII as head of the Church of England. He was canonized by the Catholic Church as a saint in 1935.Thomas More wrote Utopia in 1516, which was the forerunner of the utopian literary genre. More served as an important counselor to King Henry VIII of England, serving as his key counselor in the early 1500s, but after he refused to accept the king as headRead MoreA Utopian Society By Sir Thomas More1608 Words   |  7 Pagesmen from vast lands of diverse cultures, these paradig ms of perfection, or utopias, have been attempted. Bound by politics, societal and economic factors, and personal endeavors, they perish under the exact terms that sparked their creation. Sir Thomas More, a renowned Renaissance humanist, attempts to defy that stigma through his recollection of an island called Utopia. His ideas, however, are incapable of maintaining a flawless state of content between the expectations and desires of both its residentsRead MoreEssay about sir thomas more692 Words   |  3 Pages A utopian community would be a world without oppression, discrimination or social hierarchy—essentially, an ideal place to live. However, does a perfect society really exist? In Sir Thomas More’s Utopia, More flirts with the concept of a utopian community with regard to geography, city structure, labor, government and religion. Considering these aspects, the community depicted in Utopia is primarily a success, with limited failures. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Book II of Utopia, Raphael HythlodayRead MoreSir Thomas More And Michel De Montaigne930 Words   |  4 Pagesbecause everyone has different ideas. Sir Thomas More and Michel de Montaigne are prime examples of how they may seem to have totally different ideas, but they do indeed have some similarities. Although Sir Thomas More and Michel de Montaigne both believe human nature is best in a simpler form; More argues in order to have a simpler life they must be governed through a utopian society, where Montaigne argues the barbaric lifestyle is superior. 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On the island eve rything and everyone has a specific place and purpose. There is no private property, all of the houses on the island are the same; you can walk in the front door, through the house, and out the back door. All necessary items are stored in warehouses, where people onlyRead MoreSir Thomas More Contributed On The 19th Century And Future Generations1698 Words   |  7 PagesSir Thomas More contributed immensely to political thought in both the 16th century and future generations in his complex novel Utopia. Influenced by Plato’s Republic, More describes the concept of one potential state of a perfect commonwealth which has led to much speculation and debate. The fictional island of the Utopians is argued to have heavily influenced communism and brings to the fore both the concepts of idealism and pragmatism and the difficulty of balancing them. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Realism vs. Surrealism Free Essays

Why is he so important? What makes is death so significant? † Realism vs.. Surrealism Books are a major piece in the puzzle of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Realism vs. Surrealism or any similar topic only for you Order Now When books, a source that points out a society’s imperfections, are taken away, humanity is lost. In Ray Bradbury scientific novel Fahrenheit 451 , firemen are the people to start fires, rather than extinguish them, as they do in the modern world. They also investigate homes that are reported to be sheltering books. Owning books and reading books is against the law in this eating, and if any are found during the investigation, the owner is arrested and the books are burned. Captain Beauty, the leader of the firemen, is portrayed as a mysterious and suspicious man, who goes around quoting books during the day, and burning them at night. Later on in the story it was made clear that Captain Beauty has read books in his lifetime; however he turned away from them because he was required to think on his own. Ray Bradbury created this character to show that the awareness of imperfections in society can, in some case, lead to the missing desire to use the knowledge. Beauty is the type of person, who after learning the truth and reality, returns to the unreality he was used to. This relates to Plat’s Allegory of the Cave. The cave that Plato thought of was set up with prisoners chained up, facing a wall that projects shadows originating from puppets behind the prisoners on a platform. Beneath the platform and behind the prisoners is an opening which leads into the real world. The essence of the philosophy is that a prisoner is let go into the real world with the knowledge they have, such as the puppets’ shadows. For example, if a prisoner saw a go in the real world, he would think that it is fake, because he accepted the reality of the shadow of the dog projected on the cave wall. The slave then realizes, the images shown in the cave are an unreality. Once they are exposed to the truth they cannot return to the life they once knew. The character Beauty was a representation of a prisoner or slave chained up in the cave. Beauty became free, and he started reading books and questioning society, representing the transition from the cave to the real world. The moment he was exposed to the truth, he did not enjoy it, because he had o think on his own. Beauty then returned to the life he knows is a lie. Despite the fact that Beauty returned to the cave, he read the books so intuitively that he was able to quote them and give them some significance to his life. When Montage felt sick, Beauty visited him because he knew Montage had stolen a book from the reported house they investigated the previous night. He lectured Montage on how nothing valuable comes from books. For example, during the lecture Beauty says â€Å"Well, Montage, take my word for it, I’ve had to read a few in my time, to know what I was about, and the books say thing! Nothing you can teach or believe† (62). By saying this to Montage, Beauty is trying to prevent him from â€Å"leaving the cave† or learning that humanity has many imperfections. Beauty feared that if Montage learns the truth about the society they live in, he will also be cowardly to make a difference and return to the unreality as Beauty has done. Despite the fact that Beauty returned to the false world, his ‘contaminated’ mind could not forget the lessons he had learned from books. Beauty’s character served a purpose to demonstrate that there is a restriction towards what en can do; however, with all the knowledge of humanity Beauty has acquired, he chooses not to do anything. Beauty served as a very significant character throughout the novel. He is a combination of Montage, someone who wanted to learn about the imperfections, and Mildred, a shallow and a cowardly person. He is similar to Montage in the sense that he read books, and questioned society. Montage, however, wanted to make a difference, so he came up with a plan. â€Å"If you thought it would be a plan worth trying, I’d have to take you word it would help† (86). Montage thought of a plan to sabotage he lives of the firemen by planting books in their houses, having them arrested, and as a result their houses would be burned. They would be left with nothing and they would be in Jail. This would give Montage and his helper, Faber, time to plant more books in other civilian homes. Beauty displayed many of the qualities that Montage possessed, despite the fact that Montage was proactive to solve problems. Beauty is similar to Mildred because he learned all this valuable information, yet he threw it away, because he did not want to burden himself with thinking about the books and hat they truly meant. When Montage shows Mildred, his wife, all of the books he has been hiding, he asks her to read them with him. As they are reading Mildred, who is too confused and frustrated, shouts â€Å"What does it mean? It doesn’t mean anything! † (68). Mildred did not understand why she had to think about the book, and Beauty returned to the cave’ for the same reason. He did not want to go through the tedious process of thinking about what the books mean. Despite the frustration, when Beauty quotes the books throughout the novel, it indicates he received meeting from books; however, it was not enough for him to completely leave the cave. With Beauty being aware of the knowledge he has, but refusing to make a change, his death is instantly made significant. Before his death he quotes the famous line from the Shakespearian tragedy Julius Caesar â€Å"There is no terror, Cassias, in your threats, for I am arm’s so strong in honesty that they pass me as an idle wind, which I respect not! † (119). Beauty says this to Montage, while he is pointing a flamethrower directly at Beauty, to show him that he is not scared to die. In that same vein, when Montage kills Beauty, before him is the path he must take to make a difference; however, without the obstacle: Beauty. Montage is no longer surrounded with the constant reminder that books and independent thoughts are useless. Later on in the novel, a terrifying realization dawns over Montage; that Beauty wanted to purposefully die. He says â€Å"Beauty wanted to die,† as he comes up with an explanation for Beauty’s unusual wish. Beats desire to die, was because he was not satisfied with what his life has become. He had gone through the trouble of escaping the cave, reading the kooks and trying to understand their content. Unfortunately, Beauty was unwilling to think on his own, therefore he returned to the unrealistic life. While seconds away from his death, Beauty sees an image of what he could have become if he put aside his frustration with comprehending the books ; Montage, a person who chooses to use the knowledge he has gained. Both firemen started out the same way. They both loved their Job, but one day they started questioning society which led them to reading books. Montage, however, wanted to make a differ Renee and learn to understand the world that was hidden away from him, while Beauty returned to the cave because it was the easier life to live. Ray Bradbury novel Fahrenheit 451 follows the framework of Plat’s Allegory of the Cave, and although many characters have to partake in the Journey of leaving the cave, a single character Beauty, has a unique participation in the Journey of exiting the cave. When Beauty is introduced in the setting quoting books, his character’s demeanor takes an unexpected turn. He is perceived as a tough and loyal fireman; however, no one knows that in the past, he was a law-breaker. Beauty was curious to discover the content of those mysterious books and he read many attentively, and received enough knowledge to quote them in any type of circumstance. He became too frustrated with comprehending the books which led to his willing transition from reality to unreality. Ray Bradbury created this character to show the ignorance of humanity when one must think independently. Captain Beauty was important to the novel because he was a controversy between Mildred, a shallow prisoner, and Montage, a prisoner trying to escape. Without the combination of the two, there would to be any balance. Captain Beauty’s death, allowed Montage to continue his Journey with the eradication of his main obstacle. It also was significant because it revealed to the reader that Captain Beauty was miserable living in the fake world when he had already been exposed to the true imperfections of society, and he could not live with himself that he sacrificed a chance to make a change, the way Montage has. Without books, the imperfections of society are not pointed out and many people gain the courage to understand the truth rather than accepting the reality that is presented to them. How to cite Realism vs. Surrealism, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Postpartum Depression free essay sample

An in-depth study of postpartum depression and its symptoms. Postpartum depression is depression that appears shortly before to shortly after a woman has given birth. It can have negative effects on the womans marriage and in fact on the entire family. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious, common, and treatable condition seen frequently in the primary care setting. This paper defines postpartum depression, discusses the causes behind it, details the range of symptoms, its diagnosis, treatment, and ways to help prevent it. Researchers and doctors know that women develop symptoms of depression about twice as often as men. It is believed that female hormones contribute to this in some way, as mood swings have been tied to variations in the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and birth, and the onset of menopause. Some experts also believe that the extra pressures in many womens lives as they juggle both jobs and home responsibilities, single motherhood, or caring for aged parents may contribute. We will write a custom essay sample on Postpartum Depression or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Its very common for new mothers to experience mild and transient feelings of sadness, irritability or moodiness right after giving birth. When these symptoms are short-lived and not severe, theyre often referred to as the baby blues, and considered a normal variation in mood. Baby blues pass quickly and cause no significant problem for either the new mother or her family.