Friday, October 11, 2019

Cell Cycle Essay

cell growth, normal functions What occurs in G1 in the cell cycle? Cell cycle What is the series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide? G1 What is the longest stage of the cell cycle called? interphase During what stage does the G1,S,and G2 phases happen? Mitosis During what phase of the cell cycle does mitosis and cytokinesis occur? Mitosis During what phase of the cell cycle does cell division occur? S (synthesis) During what phase of the cell cycle is DNA replicated? G1 During what phase of the cell cycle does the cell grow? G2 During what phase of the cell cycle does the cell prepare for mitosis? 4 How many stages are there in mitosis? Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase Put the following stages of mitosis in order: anaphase, prophase, metaphase, and telophase G1, S, G2, M Put the following stages of the cell cycle in order: G2, S, G1, M Cell grows, DNA replication, cell prepares for mitosis, cell division Put the following actions in order: DNA replication, cell grows, cell division, cell prepares for mitosis. For efficiency, the process would take too long if it was bigger Explain why cells don’t just continue to grow larger as organisms grow larger. Why do cell divide? (Write in complete sentences) DNA replication What occurs in S phase of the cell cycle? cell prepares for mitosis What occurs in G2 phase of the cell cycle? cell division What occurs in M phase of the cell cycle? nuclear membrane disapears, spindle fibers form chromosomes condense What occurs in prophase phase of the cell cycle? chromosomes line up at equater What occurs in metaphase phase of the cell cycle? sister chromatids pull apart What occurs in anaphase phase of the cell cycle? chromosomes have separated/ ribosomes begin to form What occurs in telophase phase of the cell cycle? Interphase- G, S, G2 normal cell growth/prep for division Missing from this are Interphase and Cytokinesis. What are they, and when do they occur? (Interphase) physical splitting of the cell Missing from this are Interphase and Cytokinesis. What are they, and when do they occur? (Cytokinesis) D Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): cells at end of mitosis H Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): cells at end of meiosis D Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): liver cell H Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): sperm H Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): egg D Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): skin cell H Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): gamete D Identify whether they are haploid (H) or diploid (D): somatic (body) cell 1 copy of every cell What is a haploid? 2 copies of every cell What is a diploid? 46, 23 Human cells: diploid # ____ haploid #_____ 1. crossing over/ mixing DNA from parents 2. produce gamets Explain how meiosis increases genetic diversity in 2 different ways: 2 # cells produced in Mitosis 4 # cells produced in Meiosis replace cells+get bigger Reasons for occurrence in Mitosis making gametes for sexual reproduction Reasons for occurrence in Meiosis 1 # of divisions in Mitosis 2 # of divisions in Meiosis no Includes crossing over (Y/ N) Mitosis yes Includes crossing over (Y/ N) Meiosis somatic Kind of cells using it (Mitosis) gamets Kind of cells using it (Meiosis)

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